When I started playing hard core online in 2010 I was a losing online player for 5 years and sick of it. I was a winning live player though. So I really took trying to get better to heart. I started a chat group and took some lessons while using bankroll management very wisely and slowly increasing my buy-ins. I started with a $500 deposit on Absolute poker and ran it up to about 15k before starting to attack Full Tilt and Pokerstars again. I am still probably a loser on Full Tilt but I am a winner on Poker Stars and a huge winner on Absolute. Right from the beginning I knew I wanted to someday give lessons. I used to play pool for a living and teach that and then I worked at a casino and trained poker dealers on how to deal, I love to teach. So with that in mind when I started playing I also started blogging so I could show my path. All 215 final tables have been screen shot captured and logged in this blog. All my lessons and time spent in the chat has been talked about and blogged. Take a look and see where my journey took me and why I think I am more than qualified to give someone my all and help them improve.
I also blogged on pocketfives.com check it out here http://www.pocketfives.com/blogs/cracker9ball/
I have so many ideas on ow I am going to help people. I am very excited for some of my recently set appointments to hurry up and get here. I have an idea of how my next student plays and really know three easy fixes to leaks he makes constantly. It was a great choice by him to get with me and will not take long for him to see why. I am ready and willing just contact me and we will get started. Good luck all