

2pm start and feeling good about poker today. I also had a nice chat with kurt4646/mr kurt and really enjoyed catching up, good job in Durant bro. Playing pretty much my normal schedule today and hoping for great results.
Well, I am down to my last 4 MTTs of the day and plan on trying my hardest and using emotional detachment. I just got 13th in a 55 40k on stars and it makes my 4th or 5th real deep run that was ended by a dirty river when way ahead of recent. I will not let it get me down, GL ME in these last 4, updates later.
Cashed in 6 out of 34 MTTs with a couple deep runs but could not get winner. I was proud of the way I battled at the end of the night in my last few MTTs after taking some horrid beats deep. I will admit I was a little but tilted for a bit, but I do think I was able to overcome it.
After listening to Ajkhoosier talk about distractions the other day in his chat session, I keep thinking I have to many. I have done lots of things to reduce distractions while I play but the amount of focus needed to truly play well is definitely taken for granted. This is something I am going to make sure I am paying more attention to in the future. I currently play without television and am usually home alone, but I do have skype chat going, could be trolling P5s, PxF, TPE, and occasionally take phone calls. I mentioned something to him about the fact I play very high volume and the chat group helps, he countered with I probably play to much. I know volume is very important, and in many ways may be the most important thing, but is there a point where you can be playing so much its hurting you. I would think volume is more of a "to each is own" type of thing, meaning that some can handle more than others. I believe poker is tough and demanding, but I enjoy the challenge, GL ME.

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