

Well, Friday was meh, I took Saturday off, and then Sunday was meh. Today was started with a trip to the cellular repair store, and luckily was a successful trip. My iphone was fixed for $65 and works good as new. It did take a half to fix, but that gave me time to visit the pool hall and catch up with a few people.
Starting a poker session at 5pm, and I will be playing the mini uboc's at 7pm. Updates later.
Cashed in 2 out of 23 MTTs with 1 FT. In reflection I wish I hadn't started my day by saying that some other days were meh, why would I want to be thinking in the past. Just do your best everyday. I believe it's all part of the learning process, I am glad that I pick up on things faster and faster. I will be taking a more positive approach tomorrow and plan on continuing my high volume for Jan., GL ME.

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