
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Took all three days off of online poker and played live instead. It wasn't something I had planned, it just happened. I hadn't really played live in about a year and a half ever since I started my mission to get winner online in March 2010. I decided Sunday I would probably take a few days off this week and Monday evening after I decided I was not playing that day I chose to go to he casino to see a friend that was playing in a tournament. He had already busted out and left so I played some 1/2. The live competition isn't always the toughest around here and I won 650 without losing a hand and enjoyed the socializing. Then Tuesday I decided to go again and had another winning session and another good time.
Yesterday I woke up and thought about playing online but decided to go to the casino again because the change of pace was fun. I played a fourteen hour session that started with a few hours of 1/2, then a 2/5 table opened up so I moved over. I stayed winner all night and then the game got three handed and we changed it to 5/10 and I played another few hours due to a very soft opponent that kept rebuying and helped me to a profit of over 100 an hour. All total I am up almost 3k in 3 days and have enjoyed it. Now all though I have been having fun i will not be thinking about going back to the live grind. It's softer with less variance but slow and not as much potential to get where I want. I may try to add a few days a month into my schedule to help stop me from being a workaholic because I grind a lot and the change of pace and interaction with people I know is fun.

Now its time to get some rest, good luck to all the grinders and GL ME. See you on the virtual felt soon.

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